The Enemy Is Within the Gates

We are now almost two full weeks into Donald J. Trump’s presidency. It has been a glorious two weeks, full of a frankly incredible amount of accomplishments that are all worthy of discussion in their own rights. It can be mentally draining just following the news as it comes out. Many of us are quite literally getting tired of winning – the madman keeps his word. Of course, some of the fatigue is the result of the constant opposition we are facing from all sides. We are well and truly surrounded. It can be easy to get distracted, bogged down by the latest scandal contrived by the corporate media.   That’s why it’s important to take a step back and analyze where the real threats are coming from, because President Trump will need his people to be clear eyed and focused.

Maybe the single greatest gift that candidate Trump gave us during the primaries and general election was his exposing our enemies, of which there are plenty. If you ask Trump supporters now to name them, you would probably hear a lot of “Democrats!”, “Liberals!”, “Media!” (so dishonest,folks), “Pocahontas!” or “Head Clown Schumer!” – and they’d be right. But are these really the enemies that we need to focus on?  These are all known quantities, out in the open. They also are doing a bang-up job of totally discrediting themselves to the vast majority of the country as they riot, lie, and generally expose themsleves as disgusting hypocrites. Sad!

More dangerous are the enemies who move among us pretending to be our allies. We all know that President Trump field dressed the GOP at the Republican National Convention back in July and has been wearing its pelt for convenience ever since; despite the best limp-wristed efforts of TrueConservatives™ everywhere to deny him the nomination and undermine his general election campaign.

But do we really understand what motivates the #nevertrump crew?  We call them Cuckservatives, because they supposedly care about standing up for muh founding principles instead of actually conserving anything. This is hilarious and highly effective branding, but it’s actually giving them more credit than they deserve. When Paul Ryan claims to be against President Trump based on his principles, this is a lie. The same goes for ‘conservative’ talking heads , whether it’s Rush Limbaugh on radio or neocons like Charles Krauthammer on Fox. They specialize in gaslighting their conservative base, and are masters at redirecting our righteous anger by giving us shiny things to look at while the D.C. establishment goes ahead with its agenda.

Now more than ever it is important to identify these agents of the Uniparty, because their tactics will become more subtle as they attempt to undermine a president who has a clear mandate from the people that represents the total repudiation of their views. More accurately, the repudiation of the views they are paid to hold by the corporate money that benefits by the continued deception. They are not standing on principles, they are financially motivated to retain the status quo. Period. Repeat after me: Paul Ryan is bought and paid for. Mitch McConnell is bought and paid for. Fox News is aligned with wall street interests against the American people.  Call them out for what they are: the enemy within the gates.

Many of us are new to understanding this game. The best thing we can do is learn from those who have for years been focused on exposing these Uniparty GOP establishment shills:


Once you see the reality of the Uniparty and the duplicity of the GOP establishment, you begin to realize that these people will do everything in their power to prevent the incoming swamp draining. We can see our first evidence of this in the ridiculously slow pace at which the republican congressional leadership is going about cabinet confirmation hearings. We need more people like @DaveNYviii to publicly remind these traitors who they work for, and of the consequences should they continue to subvert the will of the people. Make them bend the knee.

Many of these swamp rats will inevitably have to be voted out of office because their corruption runs too deep and they have everything to lose. But in the meantime, an informed and united electorate can prevent them from successfully undermining President Trump’s agenda. And some, I assume, are good people  – simply in need of someone who can show them how to win. These people we can and should work with.  Luckily, we’ve got just the guy to teach them.

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